Sunday, 22 September 2013

Curly Hair Days

I normally always wear my hair straight, and it's not that I don't like doing other things with it, it's just that I'm generally too lazy to get up earlier on a day to day basis, when I'm lucky to even get breakfast without being late for work.  But I currently have a faulty hairdryer that won't work for more than a couple of minutes without turning itself off so I figured I'd let my hair dry naturally.  It always sounds so zen to let one's hair dry naturally without the use of heat or products while doing the Reverse Warrior Pose (not that I can do yoga but it fits with my vision so humour me) and I always imagine that with this comes naturally amazing hair because I'm being so kind to it.  Wrong.  What I'm left with, when it finally dried, is a mop of limp hair with odd strands flicking out at weird angles and emphasised frizzy damaged ends that desperately need a trip to the hairdresser's.  So I reach for the ghd's to make myself look presentable and figure that curling will only take the same amount of time as straightening, and it will give my hair the bit of volume that it craves.  Just for the record, I discovered curling takes longer than straightening - to my boyfriend's dismay.... whoops!  But my hair was finally presentable and I could get on with my day.

My hair also doesn't hold curls very well, they are fine for a few hours but start to look a bit sorry for themselves by the end of the day, but I am able to convince myself that I was going for beach waves anyway.  The following morning and it's a different story.  There are a few odd kinks left so I have to do some light emergency curl repairs with my ghd's - to my boyfriend's dismay again (why is he always in such a hurry!), and this is the light curl result.

So today was a curly hair day, but that's because yesterday was a curly hair day and that's only because of the faulty hairdryer!  Hmmm it's nice to do something different but I'm looking forward to getting a new hairdryer and reverting back to my straight uncomplicated average hair day. 

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