I had planned to start the detox on Saturday but didn't anticipate how long the mountains of food would last. So although there is still a lot left, they are things that my boyfriend will happily eat.
Day 1 of the detox started yesterday, and to get the full picture of each day I will upload the following day. I am loosely followoing J J Smith's 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. I say loosely because the book was due to arrive later in the day and once it did I found that she details making one large smooothie in the morning and using this all through the day, but I prefer to have different smoothies for each meal, I'm easily bored!
So for the first smoothie I had a concoction of spinach, pineapple, green grapes and apple and it was prettty tasty.
Although I'm sure it doesn't look tasty! Then for lunch I had spinach, banana, raspberries and almond milk, which again was good. Then the book arrived and I found that the recipes only used water so I won't be using almond milk again. I found a few more ingredients that were needed so made my way to the supermarket to pick these up, having a few nuts beforehand to try and curb the hunger. The side effects had started. I was feeling a little 'spacey' and not able to concentrate, but managed to get everything on my list. I got home and had a spoonful of peanut butter and took my dog for a walk.
For the evening smoothie I had a small version of the recipe from the book and then a had a few nuts and seeds. The headache was starting. Caffeine withdrawal, as I had only been drinking water all day, and boy did it hit. I went to bed early and had a really bad night's sleep because of the pain, similar to a migraine, and the nasea. I ended up getting up at about 3am to have some paracetamol and having some better quality sleep after that.
Here's hoping the benefits will start soon.
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